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Employee Spotlight: Marcell

Marcell’s Bio

Hometown: San Francisco, CA

Current: San Francisco, CA

Position: Quality Assurance Manager

A native San Franciscan, Marcell is one of the most experienced employees at Jones IT. He’s gone from working in logistics/coordination at a non-profit, to becoming a master IT Consultant/Engineer at Jones IT, to our Quality Assurance Manager. He lives by the JIT values and is one of everyone’s favorite people in the office!

Q: What interests you most about IT?

A: I saw the possibilities in IT. Then, when I got more involved in the industry I truly saw how broad the field really is. Many people think of IT and they think of something like software development. But when a software developer can’t figure out what’s wrong with their computer, they call us, the IT professionals.

Q: What is your favorite work memory from Jones IT?

A: Our company retreat from last year is my favorite memory. I was able to spend time with people I never really had the time to at work. I developed great relationships with them and I can’t wait to do that again.

Q: What is one of your favorite things/ passions outside of work?

A: I love my dog so much. I love spending time with him and he’s truly a great companion. We go on walks, hikes, play in the parks, and more. He helps me get off the computer and outside. We’re always exploring and finding hidden gems in the city!

Q: Any advice for aspiring IT consultants?

A: 1. Be a well rounded person. I’m not an expert in everything, but i know a good amount about a lot. You want to be able to go up to many different groups of people and contribute to the conversation in some way. 2. Take the leap of faith! I know the IT industry can be intimidating because it was for me too. But just apply! What’s the worst that can happen? It’s always worth it to take the leap of faith. Finally, just be yourself! You actually don’t have to fake it to make it.

Q: Best advice for start-ups/small businesses looking to improve their current IT setup?

A: Reach out for help! Don’t be afraid to think big. You may not need a lot of infrastructure now, but if you can build it out in your head, you can go after it and achieve it.

Jones IT will always be in your corner and help companies explode to that next level. We’ll help you get to where you want to be.

If Jones IT sounds like a company you want in your corner for IT issues, contact Jones IT today!

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