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Employee Spotlight: Chai

Chai’s Bio

Hometown: Richmond, CA

Current: Richmond, CA

Position: IT Consultant

Meet Chai! A Bay Area kid born and raised, he’s been fixing computers for most of his days! Chai has been a tech fanatic from an early age. Like all of our consultants, Chai has an intrinsic motivation for solving problems. From the very first time he broke his computer, he knew he was going to fix technology throughout his life and he’s ready to fix yours too!

Q: What interests you most about IT?

A: I first got interested in IT when I accidentally broke my family’s computer in grade school haha. I had to hit up my older relative to come and fix it. He explained to me how he was fixing it while doing it. Since then, I never wanted to have to reach out to someone else when it comes to technology and I’ve been working to become as self-sufficient as possible. I just enjoy fixing things that are broken!

Q: What is your favorite work memory from Jones IT?

A: Probably when I attended my first JIT Game Night. It was when I was a new hire and it was the first time I got to see everyone in the company come together and hang out. It was awesome and just gave me a really good feeling about the people here.

Q: What is one of your favorite things/ passions outside of work?

A: I love to travel when I can. I also used to love riding my bike and going on long rides… I need to start doing more of those again. I also play some video games and kick it with friends when I can.

Q: Any advice for aspiring IT consultants?

A: If you have intrinsic curiosity, and find yourself always fixing things, apply here no matter what your other experience is in. If you have a mindset like ours, seeing a problem bugs you. People with that mentally make the best IT Consultants, hands down.

Q: Best advice for start-ups/small businesses looking to improve their current IT setup?

A: Document all of your current processes. Make sure you know exactly how and where you are spending your money. Take an overall look at everything, and then deep dive into the details of each aspect to see if it can be done better. Do one thing at a time and it will add up quickly.

If Jones IT sounds like a company you want in your corner for IT issues, contact Jones IT today!

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