Technology Needs of Financial Services

Technology allows you to do a lot more in a lot less time. There are solutions and applications for virtually every aspect of your business. But all of these technology solutions don’t always work perfectly. They require frequent attention, troubleshooting, and maintenance to keep them functioning at an optimum level.

As a financial services company, your key requirements will likely be in the following areas:

  • Network, WiFi, & Communication: You need high-performance and high-availability solutions with ultra-low latency access to real-time market data. This lets you act on market opportunities faster. So you will need a fast, stable, and secure communications system- email & voice.

  • Data Security: The security of the sensitive company and client data is probably a key concern for you. According to the 2019 Data Breach Investigations Report by Verizon, 43% of cyber attacks were targeted at small businesses. Loss of data causes long-term damage to your business as customers may never be able to trust you with their data again. Therefore, preventing security breaches must be your top priority.

  • Data Backup & Disaster Recovery: A backup and recovery plan is an important part of any IT strategy. A comprehensive backup and recovery plan helps you minimize downtime and keeps your business functioning seamlessly even in the case of disasters such as ransomware, virus attack, or natural disasters.

  • PCI DSS, FCA, and SOC2 Compliance: Compliance with regulations is a critical requirement for all financial services. The regulations and compliance requirements are particularly stringent when dealing with technology, data & privacy. You will need a robust IT security plan to adequately secure your IT infrastructure as well as to demonstrate your compliance.


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Benefits Jones IT Brings To Financial Services?

Whether you are running hedge funds, asset management, investment management, capital management, wealth management companies, or venture capital funds, IT management should be the last thing on your mind. Your focus should solely be on growing your business.

Partnering with Jones IT will help you take control of your time as we take all the tedious IT tasks off your plate. This allows you time to focus on growing your business. Jones IT will help you reduce downtime, streamline your IT operations, and improve efficiency. We will help you overcome the technical challenges, you are faced with, in:

1. Network, WiFi, & Communication- WiFi network has become a critical technology for all businesses and directly impacts efficiency, security, and even contributes to an employee-friendly workplace. We are the WiFi and Network experts of San Francisco. Our specialty lies in taking your WiFi to warp speed so your team can function faster than ever before. We diagnose, troubleshoot, and fix slow network and WiFi issues to set you up with the right WiFi network for your team. We also perform network monitoring and set up alerts so we know if and when important services are offline.

2. IT security- Our full-time job is to keep your business safe from cyber-criminals. Our expert team of consultants is always up-to-date on the latest developments in IT Security, Cybersecurity, Network Security ... You name it, we know how to keep your business safe. We can also organize workshops to educate your employees on how to recognize and deal with cyber-threats.

3. Data Backup & Disaster Recovery- A backup and recovery plan is an important part of any IT strategy. We will not only help you create a data backup and recovery plan but also implement comprehensive backup and recovery solutions that will help minimize downtime and keep your business functioning seamlessly even in the case of a disaster such as a ransomware attack, virus infection, or a natural disaster.

4. Compliance- Federal, state and local regulatory agencies have established rules and regulations for dealing with user data and privacy. Jones IT helps you stay compliant with such regulatory acts that protect user privacy. Further, as you IT security consultants it is our job to stay informed and therefore we can recommend how best to avoid risk and ensure compliance even if the regulations turn on a dime.