The Ultimate IT Checklist For Small Businesses

In this blog post, we share with you a checklist that will give you a comprehensive view of all IT-related items within your company. In addition, we have also included instructions on how to use the checklist.

Challenges of Managing Small Business IT Needs?

Small business IT needs are not very different from those of large organizations. Yet, it is a reality that most small businesses cannot afford to hire an entire IT team. Irrespective of that, SMB (small and medium business) owners need to ensure that the IT tasks are carried out by someone- either within the organization or by a Managed IT Services company.

Information Technology is such an integral part of a modern-day business that you can no longer treat it as a standalone department. Technology is ubiquitous and intertwined with your lives at the workplace and beyond. IT operations and management must be given their due because the costs of unmanaged IT and downtime are surprisingly high.

For most business owners, dealing with IT is difficult because they don’t know where to start. “IT” just feels like a big blob of incomprehensible and unending firefighting. However, IT is much easier when we think about one item at a time.

A Comprehensive IT Checklist For Small Businesses

This information technology checklist aims to list out the IT issues you will face, possibly frequently. Each item on this checklist ensures that you have clarity of your own requirements as well as the actions required. While we are giving only an overview here, the checklist itself goes into greater detail, listing out all of the items.

The checklist as a spreadsheet is available at the end of the blog.

1. Initial IT Setup Checklist

The checks required for the initial Information Technology infrastructure setup is similar to what you would have during an office relocation. We have talked about it in detail in our blog: Checklist For A Successful Office Relocation.

Here is a quick recap of some of the checklist items:

1.1 Make an office floor plan

Decide where to locate each department, server room, conference room, printers, copiers, and network & WiFi equipment.

1.2 Select the ISP (Internet Service Provider)

Choose an ISP as well as a backup ISP and negotiate the best package for your company.

1.3 Check the wiring and outlets

Ensure that the electrical wiring and sufficient outlets are in place.

1.4 Prioritize IT setup

The IT department is the most critical for any business operation. By arranging for the IT setup to be completed first, you will ensure that your company will be up and running quickly. Here is the priority checklist:

2. IT Infrastructure

In a small business, it is quite tempting to buy new equipment without even thinking about how it will be installed. It is not uncommon for the entire business to come to a standstill as five employees try to install a new scanner “just like the one they had in their previous company”.

Small businesses also make the mistake of purchasing equipment in their office based on their experience with “similar” equipment in their homes. They fail to realize that most equipment suitable for home use will not run well in a business environment. You must ensure that the equipment you purchase is suitable for a business network environment.

Some of the information technology infrastructure checklist items to consider:

  • Ensure compatibility with other devices you use

  • For Installation, if you don’t have an IT expert in-house, get professional help.

  • Ensure appropriate warranty and service contracts

  • Ensure a common Operating System to standardize troubleshooting and maintenance

  • Always have the latest drivers installed

3. Software

Software licenses are valuable assets for your company. It’s easy to install software on a computer and completely forget that it’s there. It is even easier to forget if you have a service contract, what it includes, and if you should renew it, and when.

Imagine forgetting to renew your domain name! Yes, this happens despite receiving numerous emails, which mysteriously get lost in your inbox. Domain names, although cheap, are invaluable as an identity of your business. Any slip up with it can see your domain name get into the hands of a squatter who will try to extract a hefty price for returning it.

Therefore, you should standardize the processes for purchasing, licensing & renewing, and updating. There should be someone responsible for it and everything must be documented and easily accessible when required.

Some of the checklist items you should consider:

  • Customizing software to suit business needs

  • Downloading and installation by users

  • Use an MDM (mobile device management) for assessing and deploying security patches to ensure secure mobile devices, operating systems, and applications.

4. The Cloud

The cloud offers an excellent solution for small businesses allowing them to scale their infrastructure and keep pace with their growing business. The cloud is ideal for small businesses as it is affordable, fast, and flexible. However, it’s not all good news. Before you can move your business to the cloud, you need to consider some critical questions. We have talked about it in detail in our blog: 5 Critical Steps For Building A Successful Cloud Strategy.

Some of the Cloud checklist items to consider:

5. Cybersecurity

Small businesses are more likely to fall into cybersecurity bad habits than larger businesses. This is because small businesses rarely have a robust IT Security policy at the onset. With the adoption of every new technology, the need for cybersecurity vigilance increases. Small businesses need to be extra vigilant because 43% of cyber attacks are targeted at small businesses.

Some IT Security checklist items to consider:

How To Use This IT Checklist

Your technology-related activities can be categorized into four steps. You need to consider how to Plan, Build, Operate, and Monitor (PBOM) your IT operations.

  • Plan - Plan how you will invest in your technology needs for the present as well as the future.

    • Have a clear understanding of what IT does for your business

    • Tie all your activities to your ultimate business goals

    • Create a budget for the next 12 months

  • Build - Build new systems, expand IT infrastructure, install new software as required by your business needs.

    • Plan your infrastructure for the future needs of your business

    • Create standard practices for purchase and installation of infrastructure

  • Operate - Regularly review and evaluate your IT operations. Make sure robust policies are in place and you follow industry best practices.

    • Regularly audit your IT infrastructure

    • Create and regularly revisit policies for IT operations and cybersecurity

  • Monitor - Keep an eye on your IT operations to ensure that it is aligned with your business goals. Research new technology available and evaluate whether it will help you achieve your business goals more efficiently.

    • Keep pace with innovation and changes in technology

    • Know what technology you need now and in the future

    • Conduct extensive research and testing before adopting new technology

As a small business owner, managing your IT operations is a huge challenge. This is even more difficult when you have little or no IT expertise. You may be confident in your abilities, having built home PCs and networks, however, making similar things work in a business network environment is a different ball game. Poor decision-making and lack of management can make IT seem like a cost center, which keeps draining your budget.

Using the PBOM model and the associated information technology checklist, you will be able to turn your IT from a liability to an asset. The core message that we want you to always remember is

“don’t focus on the management of IT operations, rather focus on how IT can help you achieve your business goal”

By treating IT as an integral part of your business, you will experience increased productivity, lower downtime, and reduced stress. As promised, here is the link to the checklist: The Ultimate IT Checklist For Small Businesses

We have more resources in our blog section that will help you with IT operations management. Here are a select few to get you started:

About The Author


Hari Subedi

Marketing Manager at Jones IT

Hari is an online marketing professional with a focus on content marketing. He writes on topics related to IT, Security, and Small Business. He is also the founder and managing director of Girivar Kft., a business services company located in Budapest, Hungary.


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