
Johnny’s Bio

Hometown: San Jose, CA

Current: Brentwood, CA

Position: Systems Engineer


Herrreeeeeee’s Johnny! Meet Jones IT’s Systems Engineer! This young man who resides in Brentwood, CA is one of our brightest and grooviest employees. You may see him sporting his famous leopard shirt and blazer combo looking like IT’s version of Johnny Depp. He’ll fix anything and look good doing it, we promise you that!


Q: What interests you most about IT?

A: I’ve been interested in the IT field since Junior year of high school. That’s when I first realized that IT was a field that existed and that it’s as extensive as it is. I first got interested in IT by just solving problems when gaming as a kid. I was passionate about how the technology worked and how to continually make it better. 

Q: What is your favorite work memory from Jones IT?

A: Probably this hectic office move that I helped on. There was some miscommunication and we had a crazy deadline. I learned some major parts of the projects really late, but we scrambled to make it happen. It was my friend's first day at Jones IT, and it was hilarious to throw him in the deep in, knowing that we were going to get it accomplished, but with some stress involved haha.

Q: What is one of your favorite things/ passions outside of work?

A: Hanging with my friends. They’re everything to me. Why would I not spend time with the people who make me feel the best? They’re my network and I rely on them heavily and vice versa.

Q: Any advice for aspiring IT consultants?

A: We want to make it clear that messing up is okay! Sometimes you have to break something even more to find the correct solution. It’s okay to fail, we actually encourage it, because we believe you learn more from your mistakes than someone telling you something. We’ll be there to help when you mess up.

Q: Best advice for start-ups/small businesses looking to improve their current IT setup?

A: Read our blog! We have amazing tips and tricks there. They’re presented in an interesting and fun way too. Shoutout to our marketing team! Sign up for our newsletter below and stay up to date with us!


If Jones IT sounds like a company you want in your corner for IT issues, contact Jones IT today!

