
Maria’s Bio

Hometown: San Francisco, CA

Current: Concord, CA

Position: Team Lead, Senior Consultant


Meet Maria, one of Jones IT’s Team Leads and Senior Consultants! Maria has proved time and time again that she can handle any client issue thrown her way. Don’t believe me? Check our Google and Yelp reviews to see all the amazing things our clients say about her. Her husky Dash is also competing for Jones IT’s cutest dog..


Q: What interests you most about IT?

A: I first got interested in IT by doing post-production video work. I know that’s not exactly IT, but they encompass a lot of the same aspects. Video work, DJ work, the programs and hardware I used for those in middle school first introduced me to IT. Now, technology is one of the most integrated parts of the human experience. It’s always changing and I love seeing it (and us) evolve. 

Q: What is your favorite work memory from Jones IT?

A: My favorite fun memory was playing Mario Kart in the office during a slow day near Christmas with my team. It was great seeing who was good and who sucked haha. My favorite work work memory was probably when my first Team Lead was leaving JIT, he told me that he had low expectations from me from the beginning. But within a month, I was able to prove him wrong. That meant a lot to me.

Q: What is one of your favorite things/ passions outside of work?

A: Outside of work, I love watching movies, spending time with my husky Dash, and trying out new bars/restaurants! I also love hopping into physical bookstores (while they still exist).

Q: Any advice for aspiring IT consultants?

A: Apply for an IT Consultant position! I didn’t think I would get it when I applied. But I had the right mindset from solving post-production/ video editing problems, that it translated to IT. You can figure it out if you want to.

Q: Best advice for start-ups/small businesses looking to improve their current IT setup?

A: Follow our security blogs, and start good habits now. Don’t wait. Set up 2-factor authentication and back-ups. Start the best IT habits early so that they scale with you while you grow. Buy extra subscriptions if you know that they will get used so that you can save money.


If Jones IT sounds like a company you want in your corner for IT issues, contact Jones IT today!

