Cloud COmputing Strategy and Consulting For Small Business

89% of SMBs have deployed some type of cloud strategy as of January, 2019. For any growing business, the cloud has become an indispensable solution. Leveraging the cloud, they can keep their IT infrastructure growing as fast as the rest of their business.

For small businesses, the advantages of the cloud are many. It is:

  • Affordable- The cloud helps minimize physical storage, space considerations, power requirements, software updates, etc. providing significant savings.

  • Fast- The cloud has unmatched speed of deployment and scalability.

  • Flexible- The cloud also offers the opportunity to experiment and iterate before committing to huge capital expenditure.

We help you create a robust cloud strategy that will help you anticipate the benefits and the risks of the cloud specifically for your business. We will create a plan, which best aligns with your business goal and come up with actionable steps for rapid execution.

should you migrate To The Cloud?

Whether you are a Tech Startup, Non-profit, Healthcare provider, Professional Services, or any other business, you will definitely want to adopt cloud computing- at least in part if not completely.

However, jumping headlong without a proper strategy can lead to failure instead of grand success. You can easily find yourself gunning down the wrong track or, worse, getting locked in unwanted services and contracts.

Therefore, your first step should be building a clear road-map with a defined timeline and milestones.

Like any other service, you will also need ongoing support for cloud services. With the right plan in place, your existing IT team or a Managed IT Services provider can help you manage, customize, and scale your set of cloud services at a fraction of the cost of physical IT infrastructure.


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Jones IT will help design, implement and Support YOur Cloud Strategy

Jones IT continues to be the preferred IT support provider to hundreds of businesses in the San Francisco Bay Area. Our cloud specialists will prepare a concrete migration plan, and seamlessly implement the cloud solution that best fits your needs. Before the implementation, we will help you answer these critical questions:

1. How the cloud fits your business strategy - Identifying the teams or departments within your company that would benefit from the cloud the most will help you make a business case and decide whether it is worth migrating to the cloud right now. It will also help you prioritize the services and functions for cloud migration.

2. What are the advantages of the cloud for your business - The cloud offers small businesses many advantages, from reducing the cost of technology ownership to improving organizational flexibility. Understanding these benefits helps you plan the implementation better.

3. Is your business ready to migrate to the cloud - We help you figure out how much preparation your business requires before migrating to the cloud. This also gives you the opportunity to address the “technical debt” your company may have accumulated over the years.

4. What is the right type of cloud for your business - There are three main types of cloud to choose from - public, private, and hybrid. Each one comes with its own pros and cons. We will help you narrow down and choose the one that best suits your requirements.

5. What are the potential risks of the cloud - We help you navigate the security and compliance requirements that govern the data storage and access requirements for your business.

What our clients have to say about us

We love Jones IT. They are easy to work with and work around our schedule. Most importantly they communicate. We aren’t kept in the dark and there is never a need to nag them to find out what is going on. We know what is going on with our tech because Jones IT makes sure of it. They handle everything from minor software issues to migrating our whole organization over to G Suite.
— Zerlina Vecino, Pillsbury & Coleman LLP
Since working with Jones IT our needs have been met beyond our expectations... The stress level at work has decreased tremendously knowing that our office will no longer be taken down by a connectivity issue thanks to Jones IT.It’s been a pleasure working with the Jones IT team everyone we have interacted with have been so friendly personable and helpful.
— Vanina Parras, GLO