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15 Commonly Used Abbreviations In Information Technology (IT)


15 Commonly Used Abbreviations In Information Technology (IT)

You may know what the abbreviations stand for but may not know what they actually mean or what’s their use. Here’s a list of 15 such common technology-related abbreviations with their meaning for your reference. So the next time your IT person drops any of these in your conversation, you can say “I know what it is.”


How To Create An IT Policy For Your Business


How To Create An IT Policy For Your Business

A well thought out and comprehensive IT policy document will assist you in creating efficient IT operations and management. Here we are sharing an IT Policy template to get you started. As each business is unique, consider customizing this IT policy document to suit your business needs.


The Best IT Infrastructure Setup for SMBs


The Best IT Infrastructure Setup for SMBs

Building an IT infrastructure that is flexible, scalable, and efficient, all within a limited budget is an important goal for small and medium businesses. This blog post will help you choose the right IT infrastructure components and build your IT infrastructure from scratch.


7 Signs Your Business Desperately Needs IT Support


7 Signs Your Business Desperately Needs IT Support

Managing your IT operations is a huge challenge. It is an even bigger challenge when you have little or no IT expertise. At one point or another, every business needs to hire IT support. Here are 7 signs that tell you your business desperately needs IT Support services.


The Ultimate IT Checklist For Small Businesses


The Ultimate IT Checklist For Small Businesses

This IT checklist gives you a comprehensive view of all things IT within your company. It lists out issues you will face frequently and ensures that you have clarity of your own requirements and actions required. The checklist as a spreadsheet is available at the end of the blog.


6 Cybersecurity Bad Habits You Must Avoid


6 Cybersecurity Bad Habits You Must Avoid

Most people practice these cybersecurity bad habits without even realizing what they are doing wrong. Even after falling victim to a cyber attack, they may not realize the cause. So to help you recognize cybersecurity bad habits, here is a list that will help you recognize and avoid these poor cybersecurity practices.


How To Calculate Cost Of IT For Small Business


How To Calculate Cost Of IT For Small Business

Whenever we ask what is the cost of IT, the answer usually is “It depends.” But that doesn’t help us at all. As a business owner, small or big, we need to put a dollar value on all our costs. In this post, we dig a little deep and come up with a better answer, i.e. a dollar value.


How to Back Up Your Computer


How to Back Up Your Computer

Every week 140,000 hard disks crash in the United States. Are you prepared for a hard disk crash? Is your data backed up safely? This guide tells you about different backup solutions available to you and gives a simple, step-by-step process for performing backup for your Windows and Mac systems.


How To Build A Data Backup Strategy For Your Growing Business: 6 FAQs


How To Build A Data Backup Strategy For Your Growing Business: 6 FAQs

You see the term “Strategy” and may exclaim “not this again!”. But hold on just a moment. We do not want to scare you into thinking that you need something elaborate and complex to achieve an effective backup and recovery plan. Follow along and in the next 6-7 minutes you will be well on your way to building a backup strategy for your business.


Small Business WiFi Networks & The 7 Things You Need to Know


Small Business WiFi Networks & The 7 Things You Need to Know

For most small to medium sized businesses, a wireless network has become the order of the day. Running cables throughout the office is not only time consuming but also expensive. A wireless network is cost effective and also a lot less cumbersome to set up. These are the 7 things you need to know about your small business wifi network.